Assignment #11

Oppression means cruel or unjust treatment that is prolonged. The difference between violent resistance and non-violent resistance is that in violent resistance you react in a negative way, harmful & destructive and in non-violent resistance you react peacefully and and positive to try and prove a point. Agency is the ability to determine the outcome of one’s own life. I think that people should use non-violent resistance to gain agency because you would be able to prove a point and people would actually step up and listen to the things that you have to say.In the documents that I will be use using in this essay, the people use non-violent resistance by giving speeches and protesting arguing about what the want to prove, holding up posters creating chants and making their way to  make that change happen.

To begin with in this document it gives examples of non-violent resistance. Dr. M.L.K was giving speeches in order to get people to be on his side of the argument. The information that I would be getting is from an article titled “The Other America” delivered by Dr. Martin Luther King at Grosse Pointe High School on March 14th, 1968. The information provided here seems to be trustworthy because it gives good information about the speech and it provides reasoning on what he’s trying to prove. In the document it says “But it is not enough for me to stand before you tonight and condemn riots. It would be morally irresponsible for me to do that without, at the same time, condemning intolerable conditions that exist in our society.” Which explains that he’s not just giving this speech to get people to understand what he’s trying to prove, he’s also trying to make that change happen and he’s trying to come up with solutions to change the riots and try to control the condemn riots because it is getting out of control.

In addition, in another document a girl was shot in the face for protesting and trying to find ways for girls in her community to get into school. This document also shows an act of nonviolent resistance because she had the choice to seek revenge but she did not because she felt like as in it was unnecessary. This is “An excerpt of a speech given by 16 year old Malala Yousafzai to the United Nations General Assembly on July 12 2013” . The information here seems like it can be trusted because it gave really good detail and it gave clarification on her actions. In the document it says” Even if there was a gun in my hand and he was standing in front of me, I would not shoot him. This is the compassion I have learned from Mohamed, the prophet of mercy, Jesus Christ and Lord Buddha. This the legacy of change I have inherited from Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela and Mohammed Ali Jinnah.  This is the philosophy of nonviolence that I have learned from Gandhi, Bacha Khan and Mother Teresa. And this is the forgiveness that I have learned from my father and from my mother. This is what my soul is telling me: be peaceful and love everyone.” Which is an example of non-violent resistance because she did not want to seek revenge from the man who shot her in the head. She just kept thinking to herself “be peaceful and love everyone” and so she kept fighting and protesting, giving speeches, and trying to prove her point, she wasn’t giving up she still was trying to make that change happen when she was finished recovering from the gunshot and she prove her point by acting polite, giving this speech and being brave by being watched by many on live camera.

At last, my personal research assingment on LGBTQ marrage is an example of non-violent resistance because they had no control over what the marriage can be as, like in the system or not in the system. In a document I read it talked about how marriage works, like how it gets into the system, what systems that it goes to in particular and stuff like that. I read it in an article titled “The Most Detailed Map of Gay Marriage in America” By Quoctrung Bui Sept. 12, 2016. In this document it says “One reason it’s hard to get a fix on the marriages is that detailed marriage records are not tracked at the federal level. They’re managed by counties and states, which report the count of marriages and not much else.” Which made me think that they can protest in a non-violent way because then it can prove a point, it almost seems unnecessary to protest violently when you can still get married just it would be counted in a different way like i don’t see a reason to protest negatively because you wouldn’t prove anything.

Assignment #10

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SeeClickFix Blog #3

What are the different statuses on the posters, and what do each of them mean?

The different statuses on the posters are acknowledged, open, and closed which means that if it was acknowledged then people seen it, if it was open then someone was up for the job, then if its closed it means that they either did it or they can’t do it.

Describe what you did (or what you were supposed to do) to find out if the issue you submitted to SeeClickFix was fixed.

Well i was (supposed) to submit a picture and view if it was fixed or not then switch my post it note on the poster.


What changes do you notice from the April 13th posters to the April 27th posters?

More of the students pictures were acknowledged and open.

Do you think there are any types of issues SeeClickFix is better at getting fixed than others?  Why do you think that?


I think the trash one may be better at getting fixed because all they gotta do is pick it up and dump it somewhere else.

If an issue someone reported did not get fixed, what is something they might try next?

I would probably report it again and again and check on it everyday so that the website can continually get notifications from my report.


Do you think people who report issues to SeeClickFix are able to gain agency?  Explain your answer.


yeas because it’s like they have the power to tell other people to pick up something instead of them doing it by their self.

Assignment # 9

Oppressed people are people who dealt with or are dealing with cruel or unjust treatment that is prolonged. Systems of oppression are organized ways of cruel or unjust treatment. Levels of oppression are Institutional, Internalized, and Interpersonal oppression.

To begin with, a way that oppressed people experience the different levels and systems of oppression is by putting themselves at risk of going to jail. In this case an article titled “Understanding the School-to-Prison Pipeline” by Nicki Lisa Cole, Ph.D. on April 25, 2017, which is about what happens and risks of getting suspended or expelled talks about and explains a political system of oppression and a political oppression which is juvenile or prison. A quote in the article says“ Once suspended or expelled, data shows that students are less likely to complete high school, more than twice as likely to be arrested while on forced leave from school, and more likely to be in contact with the juvenile justice system during the year that follows the leave”, this says that once the student is suspended or expelled it is recorded and they can get sent to jail or prison.  

In addition, another way that the students were experiencing different systems and levels of oppression was the way that the tolerance worked. In the article it states “Having a zero tolerance policy means that a school has no acception for any kind of misbehavior or violation of school rules, no matter how minor… it may be.  In a school with a zero tolerance policy, suspensions and expulsions are normal and common ways of dealing with student misbehavior,” which tells me that if there were to be a zero tolerance policy then they have no choice but to suspend or expel you, or to jail. 


Assignment #8

Power is the ability to control the events or the behavior of other people. Marginalize is to be put off to the side or to make less important. To be Exploited, or to exploit is to take unfair advantages of someone for your own benefit. People with privilege and power are able to marginalize and exploit other people with different identities by filling their brains with information about their own identity, and making them believe in different religions other than the one that they already believed in. They are also able to take their property, their money, their language, and make them into slaves because they have power over them and they are able to control the people.

To begin with people with power are able to marginalize and exploit people with different identities by taking over their land, money and by forcing them into slavery. Document #3 is about the encomienda system, and the spanish’s official to christianize and “civilize” the Native Americans, and how they made them give up their crops that they prepared for themselves to the spanish overlord. The government insisted that they were free citizens so the Native Americans were bought and sold, they worked to death and they were forced into virtual slavery. I found this information in a quote from a book called “Colonial America”, written by Jerome R. Reich.(1994) In another part of the quote it says “Under the system (encomienda system) the tribes of a certain were commended to the rule of a spanish overlord called encomiendero’’. This proves that people with power are able to exploit and marginalize others with different identities by forcing them into virtual slavery, by taking away their land, their crops, their property, and giving them very little amount of money.

First of all people with power are able to marginalize and exploit people with different identities because they have the ability to punish those people if they do not obey the masters rules. In a section from an article titled “ The code noir” which is a set of rules written by the king of france in March 1685, It states “ The masters have the right, when they’ll estimate its necessary, to chain up the slaves and beat them with sticks and ropes.” This quote tells me that if the slaves were to disobey the masters, then the masters have the choices to either punish them or beat them to death. In conclusion this proves that people with power such as the masters, are able to punish and abuse people with other identities such as slaves.


People with power are able to marginalize and exploit people with different identities by treating them nicely like family for their sacrifice then dismember them in public view. In a recorded impression by Aztec Scribe it states “This seasoned warrior, whom we change from a human into the god Tezcatlipoca, can have no blemish upon his body, and he is treated like our most royal family member during the long year leading up to his sacrifice.” This tells me that people with power are able to marginalize and exploit people with different people by turning the enemy who sacrifice themselves into gods and treat them like a royal family member until a year has passed and then they are executed in public view.

Assignment # 6


What is something that you learned about Christopher Columbus that  you did not know before? One thing I learned that I did not know about christopher columbus is that he took indians and made them into slaves so that he can become rich, and that he killed millions of people to get there. 



Do think Christopher Columbus deserves his own holiday?  Explain your answer. No, because who wants to celebrate a day that someone killed alot of people and raped little kids and made people slaves.

Assignment # 3


Question 1:  Describe one of your Chosen Identities on this identity map.  What is it?  Why did you choose this identity? One of my chosen identities on my map is that I’m a warrior’s fan. I chose this identity because I really enjoy watching my favorite player score, klay thompson.

Question 2:  Describe one of your Assigned Identities on this identity map.  What is it?  Why is this an identity something that is fixed for you, and cannot be changed? One of  my assigned identities is my birthday. My birthday cannot be changed because it is my day of birth, and that’s impossible to change. 


Assignment # 2- My Avatar

Question 1:  Do you think the cartoon avatar of yourself truly shows what you look like?  Explain why, or why not.

Yes because it basically has majority of my features that are on m face.

Question 2:  Which parts of the cartoon avatar show chosen identities?  Which parts show assigned identities?  Explain your answers

A part of this avatar that is an example of a chosen identity is my hair. A part of this avatar that are assigned identities is my skin color.